SUINÃ is a housing and office tower pointing one of the most active sections of Brazilian society, comprised by professionals aged between 27 and 40 years old. The building is compact place in suburban areas, to keep a good spatial balance in natural surroundings. The apartments are surrounded by wide terrace gardens. They are complemented by smart offices. The goal is to live and work in the same building, avoiding the use of polluting cars. The tower has 16 double decked office spaces of 110sqm each, in two levels. SUINÃ's compact design allows easy adaptations to different land shapes, exploiting intelligent designs in well organized plans. It is prospective in spirit, offering a vision in eco-habitat.   EN   ES 

architect: POUCHULU / location: near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / funding: looking for investors / project: 2014 / status: design in progress / total area: 11.200 sqm / cost per unit: confidential / Copyright © Patricio Pouchulu Architect 2014

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